Automatic enrolment questions and answers
Most popular questions - General
- Q. Can we delay working out who to put into a pension scheme more than once?
- Q. Do the automatic enrolment duties apply to charities?
- Q. What if I don't employ any eligible staff?
- Q. If a member of staff met the earnings threshold once during the postponement period as result of fluctuating earnings do they have to be put into a pension scheme?
- Q. Do I need to set up a pension scheme if none of my staff need to be put into one?
- Q. How do I nominate a contact?
- Q. Can a member of staff ask to leave a pension scheme after the opt out window?
- Q. Why haven't I received any correspondence from The Pensions Regulator?
- Q. How do I choose a pension scheme?
- Q. Who does automatic enrolment apply to?