Automatic enrolment questions and answers
Most popular questions - General
- Q. One of my staff has a second job with a different employer; do I have to take this into account when assessing them?
- Q. One of my staff has built up pension savings above the lifetime allowance. Do I still have to put them into a pension scheme?
- Q. What happens if I don't employ any staff?
- Q. A staff member has handed in their notice although they have just started earning over £833 a month - do I need to put them into a pension scheme and make contributions?
- Q. Can a staff member who has been automatically enrolled leave the pension scheme after one calendar month?
- Q. None of my employees want to be put into a pension scheme, so I thought I didn’t need to do anything?
- Q. When can we use postponement?
- Q. Which tasks do I need to carry out if I don’t have staff that need to be put into a pension scheme?
- Q. What if none of my staff earn over £10,000 per year, £833 per month or £192 per week?
- Q. What are your contact details?