Automatic enrolment questions and answers
Most popular questions - General
- Q. My school status has changed to an academy (or foundation school) - what does this mean for automatic enrolment?
- Q. If a member of staff asks to join my pension scheme during the postponement period, when do I start paying money into the scheme?
- Q. What is the regulator's role in relation to automatic enrolment?
- Q. Who will I have duties for as an employer?
- Q. What if my staff members meet the criteria to be put into a pension scheme, but they don’t want to be put into one?
- Q. What is Automatic Enrolment?
- Q. I’m a new employer. What if I pay my staff less than £120 per week and/or don’t have a PAYE scheme. Does automatic enrolment still apply to me?
- Q. I thought I had done everything, I didn’t realise that I needed to complete a declaration?
- Q. Do I have to tell the regulator that I’ll be delaying working out who to put into a pension scheme?
- Q. I’m going to be a new employer, what do I need to do and by when?