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We’re married / in a civil partnership and run our own company – do automatic enrolment duties apply to us?

If no one else works for the company, it will depend on your roles and if you have employment contracts, as to whether you have automatic enrolment duties or not. You can find more information about employment contracts on the employment status section of the GOV.UK website.

If you are both directors:

  • The company will have automatic enrolment duties for both of you if both of you have employment contracts.
  • The company won’t have any automatic enrolment duties if only one of you has an employment contract, or neither of you has.

If one of you is a director and the other is not:

  • The company will have automatic enrolment duties for the person who isn’t a director.
  • If you both have contracts of employment, the company will also have automatic enrolment duties for the person who is a director.

If the company does have automatic enrolment duties for anyone, what you need to do will depend on their age and earnings. If you do have automatic enrolment duties for the person who is a director, and they are aged between 22 up to State Pension Age and earn over £10,000 per year, or £833 per month or, £192 per week, you are not required to put them into a pension scheme unless you choose to do so.

If you are an employer use our online tool to find out what you need to do and by when.

If you believe you don’t have any automatic enrolment duties and you have received a letter from us, you will need to tell us that you’re not an employer.

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